Friday, January 31, 2014

Week #6 Leading at the Edge Ch9

This chapter's lesson is
Be willing to take the Big Risk.

In this chapter the author talks about risk taking.
At last, the author mentions that "leaders at The Edge need to be comfortable with the discomfort of risk."
I firstly thought that every time when I began to be in new environment, such as new school, new club, or new place, I always am uncomfortable. I assume everyone feels same way. However, looking back my life, I have tried to jump into new world. Moving to abroad is one of the examples. When I was in 2nd year of high school, my father told my family that we were going to move to NY. Even though, I really wanted to move away from the high school then, I became worried about my life at new place after deciding to go with my family. Since I started to think about my future seriously (entrance exam for university), it was big risk for me to quit the high school and even go abroad! However, I could not think living apart from my family, I went there with them and started new life there.
Life in the U.S was not that easy thing. I struggled with my English and relationship with the others. Because I wanted to improve my English, I did not want to be with Japaneses friends. Nevertheless, it was hard for me to get into American students there whose relationship was made from elementary school. As second year started, I decided to join girl's swim team. For me it was big decision, because I am not that good swimmer as teammates, who was in tea ceremony club at high school in Japan. Moreover in winter term, I joined track and field team. (I do like running, but I am not that fast runner) Only reason for such was making friends and improving my English through experiencing club activities in different country. Even though my record was not that good (comparing with others), I was and still am satisfied with what I have done. I could grow not only physically but also mentally.

There were many times I had to think about risk especially in the U.S. While I always worried about what if I could not accomplish it, I tried to be positive about risk and thought it as a chance.

This video is truly motivational. Please check it out :)

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Week #6 Leading at the Edge Ch.8

This chapter's lesson is...
Find something to celebrate and something to laugh about.

So, in this chapter the author talks about how celebration is important for motivating the team. The author says that Shackleton's care for celebrating atmosphere contributed to creating "an upbeat mood and a way of thinking about life that sustained the men through the grimmest of times." Even though it was a tough time for the team especially after the ship sinking, the team was able to maintain optimism because of the atmosphere. I was surprised that Shackleton made something fun literary every week such as Dog Derby and Midwinter's Day. I think these events soothed the tension among teammates and made them relaxed.

In addition, the author suggests to find something to laugh about. I think this is very important thing when we are in tough time. For example, when I get tired, I feel like I cannot do things anymore, and I become lazy about studying or whatever I have to do. To resolve this, I forget about everything and just watch some funny movie or TV show so that I can be relaxed and be more optimistic. For another example, after finishing big project or difficult project, I always give something such as sweets to celebrate and reward what I have done. It is good for myself to maintain positiveness and keep moving forward.

Lastly, I would like to introduce you a beautiful quote by Victor Hugo.

"Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face."

Hope you have a great Friday! ;)

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Week #6 Conflict

Yesterday, we learned "conflict."

In discussion, we actually had a "conflict." There were two people who think conflict as negative thing and two people who think conflict as positive thing.
I was on positive side. I thought conflict is good way to understand what others thinking. However, as I heard the negative side's opinion, I realized that I tend to avoid conflict actually because I do not want to fight against each other. 
However, even though some might say I am too kind, I actually was troublemaker somehow. When I was 13 years old, I had someone whom I really hate. Since I did not want to talk with her, I avoid talking or meeting with her even though. Eventually, she noticed my attitude and got angry, and we never talked face to face but expressed our feeling by writing letter or saying bad things to other friends. Suddenly, nevertheless, I realized that fighting we were doing was just stupid. (I don't know why I thought so) I apologized her and since then, I do not prefer to fight against others.

For now, because I do not want to hurt others' feeling, I usually do not say something aggressively. I always hear what people think and try to understand it. Even if I have my own opinion, I say it after the others say theirs so that I am able to find good solution. Moreover, whenever I hear something bad about people from the others, I always do not hear and change topic. I believe those are the smartest way to avoid fighting:)

Finally, I found cute video about conflict resolution, so check it out!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Week #5 Leading at the Edge Ch6 &Ch7

This week's strategies are
6. Minimize status differences and insist on courtesy and mutual respect.
7. Master conflict- deal with anger in small doses, engage dissidents, and avoid needless power struggles.

In chapter 6, the author talks about minimizing status differences and special privileges. On page 89, he mentions that "He (Shackleton) saw the need for decision-making authority, but it did not take a form that created a superior, elite class."
This reminds me of a captain of my lacrosse team. (some of you may think lacrosse team....again? but I have learned a lot from it.) Last week, we had a meeting which took 7 hours. It sounds a lot, but we actually discuss many things. When talking about a system of this team, the captain said that we can say whatever we are thinking about this team no matter how it is hard to say in front of upper class students. This made us, especially freshmen, being comfortable, because in previous season, it was difficult to talk ask to change anything due to the environment which focused on seniority. In addition, I felt that the captain thinks about the team seriously and seems that she wants to make this team better and better.
Throughout the reading and captain's remark, I realized that making an environment which makes lower class being able to say anything easily is important to create a better team.

In chapter 7, I felt like it does not relate to me, because I tend to avoid conflict...(I hate fighting)
What I surprised in this chapter is Shackleton was known to have a quick temper! (on p.102)
I thought he was calm anytime because of his leadership. However, he made an effort to step back and try to find a resolution. This story made me feel that Shackleton was same person as I am. Nevertheless, the difference is that he knew what he really needed to do and he worked very hard to it. When problem happens (it may anything other than conflict), I either forget my purpose of working and become lazy or be panicked and nothing can be done, but I learned that when I face problems, I just can take a deep breath and step back so that I can find resolution much easier.

My favorite "KEEP CALM AND..." series:)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Week #5 Decision Making

Last Friday, our guest speaker, Ms. Michelle Juhaz, presented us interesting 4 types of leaders.

I was in architects and analysts group.
The sheet she gave us says this type of leaders "can be slow in making decisions" because this type "prefer as much information as possible before deciding.," so it takes so much time to decide.
I thought I am certainly in that type. Because I do not want to regret, I ask for advice from many people and search before making decision.

Since I thought I am in between architect and relationship master, I am curious what the sheet says about relationship masters. For relationship masters, it says that "can put so much emphasis on relationship that tasks and decision-making fall behind."Since I do not want to harm others, I tend to do so too.

So, as I mentioned above, I am not good at making decision maybe. Although I usually do not regret what I decided, (because I think about it so much time before making decision and I am an optimist)  I wanted to know how I can decide something very effectively and efficiently.

In general, there is a way for effective decision making.
Here are steps.

  1. Listing all possible solutions/options.
  2. Setting a time scale and deciding who is responsible for the decision.
  3. Information gathering.
  4. Weighing up the risks involved.
  5. Deciding on values, or in other words what is important.
  6. Weighing up the pros and cons of each course of action.
  7. Making the decision.

I assume I usually get stuck in step 2. I do not tend to set a time scale, so it takes so much time. In addition, I usually skip step 6. Even though I usually satisfy with my decision, step 6 will definitely help with making better quality decision, so I will try that.

Lastly, I would like to show an article which has an assessment of how you are good at decision making.

This was actually interesting and I got 53 in total. It says my decision making process is okay. (it means not bad but not good as well right...?)

In last part of this article, it says ""Decision-making is a skill- and skills can usually be improved. As you become more familiar with the tools and structures needed for effective decision-making, you'll improve your confidence."

So, whenever I get to make decision, I remember the steps and try to make it effectively!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Week #4 Leading at the Edge Ch4

Chapter 4's task is "Take care of yourself: maintain your stamina and let go of guilt."

In this chapter, the author talks about how to be healthy physically and psychologically.

-Find Outlets for Your Own Feelings
It was interesting to know that although Shackleton seemed optimist (in previous chapter, the author says that "Shackleton believed he would succeed, and his belief spread to others."), he actually was "dealing with his own fears at the same time he was managing others' anxiety." I was surprised at even such a man who seemed very tough and not think about negative things struggled with his inner forces. In addition, I am kind of relived that such a great leader also feel fear as usual people.

In fall term, because there were a lot of things going on at the same time (such as dorm festival, practice in lacrosse team, ICU festival and so on) and besides that I have to study everyday, it was very tough time for me to distinguish what I should do at the right time. Moreover, the club activity (lacrosse team) became burden for me. I even lost motivation for everything and began to feel like why I was doing them. To overcome this, I sent e-mail to my mom telling my situation. For the club, I talked with captain many times. More than that, planning trip with my friends made me relax. As fall-vacation began, my inner-struggling began recover.
However, still I am feeling that the club is burden for me.. I assume I will be struggling with this problem for long time. (Some may say you can quit, but it is not that easy to decide..) But I would like to continue talking with my mom and captain and writing about my feeling in diary.

(This is true. No one will resist you.)

We all are people. It is usual that we feel fear or loneliness.
I deeply understand how hard when people struggle with this emotional pain. Therefore I would like to be a person who can listen others' feelings, like Farnk Wild for Shackleton.

(I thought being a good listener is also important skill for leaders, because it shows respect to others and as she said, it makes how you act.)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Week #4 My final project

I would like to share topic for my final essay.

My topic is how women can success as leaders.

(This chart shows what percentage women are in leadership.

The reason why I chose this topic is that I am interested what qualities are need for women to be leaders. Recently some CEO of famous companies such as and Hewlett-Packard Development Company have been women. Moreover, chairperson of organization such as UNCHR and IMF have been women too. Historically, it was impossible for women to take higher post, but now although there are difficulties still, it become available to be leaders. I am wondering what makes them being like that, and if there is anything they have to give up. As examples, I would like to write about some CEOs and chairpersons.

In looking for some ideas for topic, I asked my grandfather for help. He met many leaders who were CEO of companies or who were in positions needed to lead organization. I asked him what does he thinks leaders need to have and who are "the" leaders for him.
Qualities leaders have to have, he answered, are firm belief that you do the right things as person and thoughtfulness. Moreover, it can say that leaders need to make others do right for the team.
And, leaders whom he thinks are "the" leaders are, he came up, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill and Shigeru Yoshida, prime minister of Japan after the WWII in history but he said he knows a part of themselves. He said that "the" leaders are those who are enough to be respected not only what they have done but also personalities, so he raised some leaders whom he has worked with.
Finally, he suggested me that it is good to write about Margaret Thatcher because she is the leader who was outstanding in the world was the leader who was women as me.

I am excited to know what women leaders have done historically!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Week #3 Leading at the Edge Ch2

In this chapter, the author explains about strategy 2, "set a personal example with visible, memorable symbols and behaviors."

There are many interesting points in this chapter, especially, "be visible: let people see you leading."

On page 34, it says that "He himself set the example, throwing away, what a spectacular gesture, a gold watch, a gold cigarette case, and several golden sovereigns." I am impressed what he did in front of his team because  it should have been tough decision for him to throw away what he had possessed all the time. Moreover, those things are valuable in our lives. Therefore, his attitude must have had big impact on his team. 
We can see this impact from members; they "discarded everything save the barest necessaries."

I felt that I cannot do the same thing as him, because I am not that brave. However, I learned that to encourage the team, it is important to show leader himself as an example.

In the class, I did not come up any ideas about people who show them as examples.
However, I found out that there are a lot of leaders who act like this.

The link below shows a few examples of those who accomplished.

This article states about Mahatma Gandhi and Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric. 
Interestingly, both of them did the same thing as Shackleton!

Moreover, the article says that "If your team knows that you'll also do whatever you expect from them, they'll likely work hard to help you achieve your goal."
I thought that it is difficult to be an example of the others, but as the article says, it is not that difficult and it is actually simple thing. 

What we have to do is just doing what you say or what you are expected to. Maybe, there are somebody who see your effort.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Week #3 New Year Resolution

Happy New Year!

I am glad that we could welcome 2014!!
As new year begins, I would like to state my resolution of this year.

1. Appreciate where I am.
2. Do not limit possibility by myself.
3. Keep learning something new.

In the class, I would like to participate actively and learn more leadership skill.
Most importantly, I want to get to know you more and more!

What is your new year resolution?

See you tomorrow!