Thursday, January 30, 2014

Week #6 Leading at the Edge Ch.8

This chapter's lesson is...
Find something to celebrate and something to laugh about.

So, in this chapter the author talks about how celebration is important for motivating the team. The author says that Shackleton's care for celebrating atmosphere contributed to creating "an upbeat mood and a way of thinking about life that sustained the men through the grimmest of times." Even though it was a tough time for the team especially after the ship sinking, the team was able to maintain optimism because of the atmosphere. I was surprised that Shackleton made something fun literary every week such as Dog Derby and Midwinter's Day. I think these events soothed the tension among teammates and made them relaxed.

In addition, the author suggests to find something to laugh about. I think this is very important thing when we are in tough time. For example, when I get tired, I feel like I cannot do things anymore, and I become lazy about studying or whatever I have to do. To resolve this, I forget about everything and just watch some funny movie or TV show so that I can be relaxed and be more optimistic. For another example, after finishing big project or difficult project, I always give something such as sweets to celebrate and reward what I have done. It is good for myself to maintain positiveness and keep moving forward.

Lastly, I would like to introduce you a beautiful quote by Victor Hugo.

"Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face."

Hope you have a great Friday! ;)


  1. I like the quote! and I do the same thing as you: I buy Hargendaz(I don't know if it spelled right) after finishing a report or a test. But I don't watch a movie or anything when I got tired of studying......I mean i cannot because I feel guilty about not studying and watch a movie^^; I would rather sleep.

  2. I feel the same way when I sleep lol I want to wake up no later than 9 am. When I wake up on that time, I feel like I waste my time....but yeah, definitely taking a nap is also good way to reset our mind:)
