Friday, February 7, 2014

Week #7 Leading At the Edge Ch. 10 (Last strategy!)

Our last lesson from Shackleton is...

Strategy 10:
Never give up- there's always another move.

In this chapter, the author explains how important not to give up, which leads you to another big chance. I learned two key points from this chapter.

The first one is having good peers.
Having good teammates who always encourage around you is necessary for not giving up. Shackleton's team practiced this by supporting each other; "Its members were able to draw from each other. This support and creativity enabled them to persist when, individually, each might have given up." I think this could be happened because they had spent much time and they understood each other.
From my experience, living in dorm can be one of these things. For me, it was the first time to live apart from my family, and it was so hard to do everything by myself. While preparing for class or doing homework, I have to take care of my laundry, my meals, cleaning duty and so on. It was hard for me to fulfill both task. In addition, since I tend to be homesick, I struggled with mental problem too. However, in the dorm, there are 31 other girls living together. Therefore, I can talk to them whenever I want them to hear, which soothes my stress and enables me to keep doing what is right. Also, they each has each problems, so by sharing these, I can be a supporter for them too. As time goes, I can do everything more efficiently:)
Having good friends or supporter is good to move advance!

The second one is being calm as possible.
When facing problem, Callahan thought that "identify the problem...lashings working off." Not to quit what we are facing, we need to identify the problem and think what you can do for that. The author also says that "it requires recognizing what works and what doesn't. When a strategy fails acknowledge it and find another one.When the obvious moves are exhausted, keep looking for new ones. Do not dismiss any idea, no matter how far fetched, without thoroughly considering it."
By being calm, you can see problems clearly and you are able to find new strategy or resolution for them.

This article teaches us important qualities to be a leader.

I am so excited on next Monday!!!!
Have a great weekend!

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